Noha Khattab is a performing artist, a teacher and a therapist with a background in Anthropology, circus pedagogy, clowning, martial arts and traditional Chinese energetics. Noha earned her Masters in sociology and Anthropology in 2014 from the American University in Cairo, with special focus on Anthropology of performance and the power of clowning.
Noha has acquired most of her training as a clown through collaborative intensive workshops and tours with the French Clowns without Borders. She has been part of the Red Tomato social theatre and clowning collective. Noha has later on found passion in practising contemporary circus arts and how it can inspire an alternative form of education and a creative interdisciplinary space for sensory and motor skills development. She pursued a degree in circus pedagogy from the Brussels circus school, where over almost a year she has been teaching and learning full time the wide variety of circus arts techniques and creative means to their teaching.
In 2019,She joined the full time program in Meshkah school in Cairo where she studied five different styles of traditional chinese martial arts and traditional Chinese energetics in collaboration with SFERE ( Société Française Études et de Recherches en Énergétique Méthodes Traditionnelles Chinoises). Over the past two years (2021- 2022), Noha was part of the Sambouk project in France supported by Fondfanakand the city of Martigues where she worked with different social institutions teaching circus and martial arts to children from 6 to 15 years old. Currently, Noha is a certified teacher of traditional martial arts (Qigong,Taiji quan -yang style, Shaolin - northern style, Wing chun Southern styleand Muay Chayia - Thai boxing).
She is also a therapist practising traditional energetics and qigong manual therapy. Noha recently also started working with children with special needs as a specialist of sensory integration and motor skills development.